AOO is a new store and brand in Barcelona started by Marc Morro and Oriol Villar. The letters AOO represent the words Altrescoses - Otrascosas - Otherthings in catalan, spanish and english.
The graphic design picks up the trilingual character of AOO. According to this the developed elements are able to interact with each other. A line moves around the formats and can intervene with the grid of typography in its centre. A set of shades adjust themselves to lighter or darker depending on
The graphic design picks up the trilingual character of the brand. On every side the names are displayed on the line that is framing the different formats. Together with the the grid of 3x3x3 typography, and images are dynamic within the line. The identity is completed by a set of three shades that adjust themselves from light to dark according to their use.
AOO space photography: José Hevia