Raw Color was asked to design a book for the exhibition Copy Nature; a collaboration between artists‚ workshop, Beeldenstorm, and Onomatopee. It presents 10 talented designers who add cultural extra value by developing the economic durability of raw materials, both personally and sincerely, through experimental production methods: metal + sentiment! Working with different metals, like aluminium or brass were the combining factor between the 10 designers. Next to their projects this books tries to illustrate a part of the ever growing discussion on metal resource depletion. The origins and native states of the materials are represented in maps and especially made photographs of several metal ores.
The book is printed with 3 metallic PMS colours: Gold, Silver and Bronze on Lessebo paper. It contains images from the workshop and the end results. Besides designing the book, Raw Color added images taken from different metal ores. These images of the ores are printed in full colour on top of 100% metallic PMS-ink, to preserve the shiny metallic effect of the original stones. The cover is made from greyboard with silver foil embossing.
This collaboration between artists‚ workshop, Beeldenstorm, and Onomatopee presents 10 talented designers who add cultural extra value by developing the economic durability of raw materials, both personally and sincerely, through experimental production methods: metal + sentiment!
The pace at which development is taking place worldwide, puts pressure on the (natural) resources that our economy and our materialist culture feed off. Market oriented research and developments attempt to maintain the level of our material and economic needs, thus, in effect, determining our overall societal prosperity. This expansion, however, is a threat to our cultural ethics and our prospects for the future. After all, extraction of raw materials, production and even ownership of our industries is moving to new economies and proving neoliberal economic reasoning and society more vulnerable than expected.