Temporary Trees, Platan
Light box – Oak wood, acrylic, lambda-trans
128,5 x 87 x 20 cm (h x w x d)
Mkgk & Raw Color for MU, Make a Forest
Trees are often regarded as objects and are removed according to the landscape plan ruthlessly. In the Netherlands trees typically reach only one tenth of the age that they could make.
For Raw Color and studio Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters trees are anything but static. They ever changing life forms that determine how we experience light, shade, wind and changes of the seasons. This observation, is translated to illusions‚ of trees in different materials, that represent the life, dynamics and transformation of trees.
Invited by MU, Temporary Trees was a project which took place during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven (22-30 October 2011) as part of Make a Forest, an international platform, founded by Joanna van der Zanden and Anne van der Zwaag.
This project was made possible thanks to Strijp-S Cultuurfonds.
Leaves - Temporary Trees from Raw Color on Vimeo.
Temporary Trees‚ Leaves
Video, Duration 00:04:21:19
Temporary Trees, Oak Tree
Light box - Oak wood, acrylic, lambda-trans
128,5 x 87 x 20 cm (h x w x d)
Temporary Trees, Poplar
Light box - Oak wood, acrylic, lambda-trans
128,5 x 87 x 20 cm (h x w x d)
Temporary Trees‚ Pollard Willow
Light box - Oak wood, acrylic, lambda-trans
128,5 x 87 x 20 cm (h x w x d)
Temporary Trees, Cherry Tree
Light box - Oak wood, acrylic, lambda-trans
128,5 x 87 x 20 cm (h x w x d)
Temporary Trees - Weeping Willow
Light box - Oak wood, acrylic, lambda-trans
128,5 x 87 x 20 cm (h x w x d)
Work in progress