The Light Art Museum in Eindhoven is focussing on contemporary art dealing in one our the other way with light. This can mean that the medium of artificial light sources is used. Besides the museums own collection, the main focus is on group- and solo exhibitions. National and international renown artists presented their work in Eindhoven, Dan Flavin, Bruce Nauman, Nan Hoover, and Zero among others. For several years we are working as graphic designers for museum to do all their external communication. Every exposition is presented by posters, flyers, invitation and banners. In de content of the exposition is searched for a nice mixture of graphic, letter types and colours. Giving an abstract idea about the work of the artist being exposed.
Who's Afraid of Red, Amber and Green by Li Hui show's work of the artist were the usage of laser light plays an important role. This fact we translated on the background of the poster, were small lines are almost lightened because of the colours green and red.