Invertuals is a photo serie created for the group Dutch Invertuals, used as press-material during the Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2009, all the participants are covered up with different textiles. Through the characteristics of the materials; matt / shiny, thick / thin, elastic / inelastic and the usage of colour we created these statues. Giving a suggestion about the appearing of the exhibition. Here the subject is inspired on the traveling aspect of the group, within the industrial space tents are formed by using thin black lines, giving a idea from a smaller inner space just with outlines, where the projects are presented.
Dutch Invertuals is a collective of designers with different disciplines. Initiated and curated by Wendy Plomp the group exhibited several times together during
Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven and Salone del Mobiel, Milano. Together they create exhibitions in which their contemporary viewpoints are expressed through images, objects, materials, insights and stories. The participants were Daphna Isaacs & Laurens Manders, Edhv, House of Origin, Lead, Lex Pott, Lotty Lindeman, Mieke Meijer, Pepe Heykoop, Raw Color, Verger and Wendy Plomp.