This years Limburg Design Award was won by RAW COLOR. This duo is at the forefront of color research. Together with their team, they materialise the abstract matter of colour. With their sharp vision they give a new interpretation to it. Both commissioned and autonomously, they develop a wide range of products with great craftsmanship and with an eye for harmony and proportions, such as colour schemes for interiors, but also graphic identies and installations. RAW COLOR creates high quality work for years, but that hasn't been noticed enough. That's why they deserve the Limburg Design Award 2023!
The Limburg Design Award is presented every two years to a well-known designer who works (inter)nationally. The prize focuses on contemporary interior design and the link with the designs of Pierre Cuypers. The prize is therefore based on 'Design in the footsteps of Pierre Cuypers'.
Previous winners include Ted Noten, Jurgen Bey, Studio Müller van Tol, Studio Inamatt, Atelier van Lieshout, Sabine Marcelis and Formafantasma.
This jury consisted of:
• Maarten Engelman - senior architect Engelman Architecten, chairman
• Jeroen Junte – publicist in the field of design and architecture
• Chequita Nahar - designer, training manager for autonomous visual arts and design courses Maastricht Institute of Arts, Zuyd
• Timo de Rijk – director Design Museum Den Bosch
Nominees for the Limburg Design Award 2023 — Marjan van Aubel — RAW COLOR — Siba Sahabi