Durables – De Ploeg
The studio photos tell the story of the responsible material use of the sustainable fabric label ‘De Ploeg – Durables’. Subdued tranquillity is the idea behind the collection. Beautiful materials with a natural look are transformed into premium fabrics. The location photos highlight the atmospheric application of the Durables fabrics by de Ploeg. Photographed in Oerhuis, a sustainably built home mainly made out of nature’s beautiful materials. The developed photography concepts are produced by the studio in multiple settings, including props specifically sourced for this occasion.
Raw Color: Daniera ter Haar, Christoph Brach, Mirjam de Bruijn, Tijs van Nieuwenhuysen, Noortje de Keijzer, Angeline Behr, Anne van Dreumel
De Ploeg: Maud Hoeijmakers, Floor van Doremalen
Location photography: Benning Gladkova
Location: Oerhuis - Werkstatt