Hollands Licht means Dutch light. The name of the brand refers to Dutch Light, that was famously reproduced by the Dutch painters during the Golden Age. To create the palette we have utilised original pigments as available centuries ago.
In the so called Golden Age, mineral and organic pigments were the only available colours that have been utilised by the painters at that time. These colours range from subtle organic pigments to saturated mineral pigments. To recreate the subtle tones an extensive colour research has been developed by only working with the available pigments of that period. The final 12 pigment tones have been translated into industrial coatings that can be applied on the Hollands Licht luminaires. These coatings create an equally balanced colour scheme of the Hollands Licht collection that will bled in each interior.
A selection of 13 pigments have been carefully blended into handmade pigment coats for Hollands Licht. Each tone has a sophisticated mixing ratio of several pure pigments to derive distinctive shades with an alive texture and colour surfaces. The used pigments are: Burnt Umber, Italian Umber, Bohemian Green Earth, Prussian blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Yellow Earth, Raw Sienna, Red Ochre, Madder, Vermilion, Zink White, Charcoal Powder.
Raw Color: Christoph Brach, Daniera ter Haar, Tijs Van Nieuwenhuysen, Michelle Schipper
Hollands Licht: Rob Cornelissen, Nadja Smits