Moody Grids
The studio has developed a dynamic graphic identity that supports the diversely themed Moods boxes. The adjustable grids combine photography and coloured surfaces to represent the themes and allow flexibility while remaining recognisable. The numbering and titles take their space according to the composition, allowing them to be modest or bold.
Moods wants to inspire and support the search for the most beautiful materials wall and floor surfaces. The select tiles, slabs and mosaics from all over the world in the different Moods boxes. The boxes put together surprising combinations of materials, structures and colours. These materials can be ordered and experienced in the thematically curated boxes.
Raw Color:
Daniera ter Haar, Christoph Brach, Noortje de Keijzer, Tijs Van Nieuwenhuysen, Anne van Dreumel
Moods Concepts:
Ellis Haveman, Marjolein Palings
Set photography:
Hugo Thomassen
Wonderland Amsterdam