Creative Direction, Photography and Graphic Design for a folder campaign series of Dutch curtain textile manufacturer De Ploeg. The aim wast to create a visual language that communicates the special properties of a new curtain fabric range. The developed photography concepts are produced by the studio in multiple settings, including props and models specifically sourced for this occasion. Together with the refined folding method and the playful layout, an inspiring and informative framework supports the visual storytelling.
The featured curtain fabrics are the following:
SEA is a textile that is made from recycled plastic yarn extracted from the oceans.
CHOICE is a flax based fabric with a fire retardant character and natural appearance.
ACOUSTICS improve the sound of each with the special sound absorption properties of the curtains.
Raw Color team:
Daniera ter Haar, Christoph Brach, Tijs Van Nieuwenhuysen, Mirjam de Bruijn, Noortje de Keijzer, Iris IJsvelt
De Ploeg team:
Maud Hoeijmakers, Grietje van Tiem, Christel Brands
SEA: The reclaimed waste is added to the spinning process using an innovative recycling technique and is made into a strong yarn.
ACOUSTICS: The absorbing effect of the fabrics contributes to the comfort of a space – more relaxation in living spaces and increased focus in the working environment.
CHOICE: A curtain fabric that is pure, fire resistant and biodegradable. It combines comfort the qualities of a natural product without making concessions to safety.