Exhibition - DK

The Fans - LYNfabrikken BOX

September 2014


The starting point for the installation was the combination of two intriguing phenomena. On the one side it is colour and its physical quality and on the other side it is the element of motion and its dynamic nature. To unite these qualities the electric fan has been chosen as a tool. Placed on a podium a group of fans will show their different states by performing a choreography blending colour and motion.

The installation is created for the exhibition at LYNfabrikken Box - Aarhus, Denmark 29/08/14 - 02/11/14. The concept of BOX is to make room for exhibitions by designers, architects and craftsmen of a more conceptual nature, that blurs the boundaries between design and art.

LYNfabrikken BOX is in many ways a very special space with its own set curatorial principles, alternative physical scenography and dogmas. The purpose of BOX is to make room for exhibitions by designers, architects and craftsmen of a more conceptual nature, that blurs the boundaries between design and art. LYNfabrikken was founded in 2002 by Louise Gaarmann, Jeppe Vedel and Lasse Schuleit, who have a passion for design, people and creative ways of bringing the two together.

Coding: Mark Brand
Installation furniture: Max Lipsey

Photography at LYNfabrikken BOX: Kaare Viemose



The Fans from Raw Color on Vimeo.
Video, Duration 01:07



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