Flow was a group exhibition during Dutch Design Week 2010, created by a group of independent designers. As part of the organization our job was to do all the communication expressions. The starting point of Flow was an exhibition about movement, transformation and change. The exposed work was reaching from mechanical art installations to half translucent glass pieces. We were searching for an image giving the suggestion of motion and covering the nature of the exposed pieces. In the end we added colour-charts (Kleurenwaaiers in dutch) on a drilling machine and photographed the turning movement with a long exposure time, creating a colour movement in the shape of rings, turning round and round. The contrast of the solid machine with transparent rings, blended the two worlds in one object. A series of different colour-rings on drilling machines, were used for posters and flyers.
this is an excerpt of the original press text
Flow exhibition; a group of young, established artists and designers are creating a sense of movement and flow. New work is created especially for this exhibition and a selection of pre-existing work is made to match the overall theme of Flow. Flow aims to mystify and clarify at the same time, with exhibits that move, transform and radiate a dynamic nature. Analytical and suggestive. Here, studies and finished products are exhibited side by side, the work is shown from starting point to final result becoming a total experience full of contrasts. A perpetual motion machine moving continuously on the energy of creativity. Artists and designers from different backgrounds and disciplines present their personal vision on the theme Flow creating a diverse and stunning collection of concepts and objects. Flow isn't just a static exhibition, it invites you to participate and experience.
The participants were: Josef Blersch (NL), Gijs van Bon (NL), Franck Christen (BE/FR), Suzanne Fischer (NL), Franke Elshout (with Bart Jeroen van Overveld & Kevin Smits) (NL), Studio Glithero (UK/NL), Keukenconfessies (NL), Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters (NL), Katrin Korfmann (DE), Mander Liefting (NL), Raw Color (with Studio Watt & Bart van der Linden (DE/NL), Maria Roosen (NL), Ilke Theeuwes (BE) and Dries van Wagenberg (NL)