Booklet - Annual Report

Kunstlicht in de Kunst 2008

March 2009


The Light Art Museum in Eindhoven is focussing on contemporary art dealing in one our the other way with light. This can mean that the medium of artificial light sources is used. Besides the museums own collection, the main focus is on group- and solo exhibitions. National and international renown artists presented their work in Eindhoven, Dan Flavin, Bruce Nauman, Nan Hoover, and Zero among others.  For several years we are working as graphic designers for museum to do all their external communication. Every exposition is presented by posters, flyers, invitation and banners. In de content of the exposition is searched for a nice mixture of graphic, letter types and colours. Giving an abstract idea about the work of the artist being exposed.

For the year 2008 we designed the annual report of the museum. The design is based on a clear basic grid, that helps to enhance the overview of the exhibitions, artists, visitors, events and other information of that year. Facts, like the amount of participating artist, their nationality and other information are displayed as a graphical structure. The same grid returns every year within a new colour setting.






